Science & Origin of Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood, which is technically a fossil and a crystal, comes from the trunks and branches of ancient wood. These fossilized specimens have had their chemical body replaced by another mineral over time. This occurred during the Mesozoic Era and Paleozoic Era 250-66 million years ago. The minerals that replace the physical wood are often Agates or Chalcedony/Quartz, but can rarely be found opalized. The colors on each piece can range greatly with deep reds, browns, blues, and even yellows developing throughout the interior body. When found in sliced form, you’ll often see the original ancient tree bark on the exterior ring. Most Petrified Wood found on the market comes out of Madagascar and Australia with occasional commercial deposits seen throughout Africa and South America.
Petrified Wood with Crystals EESPW-001
My Devotion
I have been selling out of my EnergyStones and have been encouraged to create an online way to purchase.
Wrapping the stones is a devotion.
No two alike and only made in the energy of the moment.There is no inventory.
I sell the energy stones at my engagements to offset tour expenses.First come first serve!
The wraps you see here will be going on tour with me and may not be available.